No Monday Blues Here

Happy Monday, everyone!

As some of you smirk at that, I must tell you what a happy Monday it has been for me. What I assumed would be a routine trip to Whole Foods turned into a Health Coach moment for me and I got to revel in how much I love what I do.

So here’s what happened…

I was shooting up and down the aisles, snatching everything I needed at lightening speed so I could get back to work. (I’m a very speedy machine these days.) Then I sort of got in the way of a woman while I was grabbing for the hemp seeds and I apologized and she just sort of looked at me and then looked up at the hemp seeds on the shelf and then back at me and back at the hemp seeds.

I felt a question coming on so I lingered there for a moment, taking the opportunity to make sure I had all the superfoods I needed. You know, you never want to leave Whole Foods without all your superfoods.

(Superfood = food that is exceptionally good for you.)

And finally she spoke. “So does that give you a ton of energy or something?”

Well, folks, I wanted to share with you all exactly what I shared with this nice lady at Whole Foods because this really is good information.

“I guess so! It’s a great source of protein,” I said. “It’s actually a perfect plant protein.”

“So it’s not a bad protein?”

“No! Not a bad protein. It’s an excellent protein!” I said. “And it’s great because you can put it on cereal or oatmeal, or sprinkle it on salads. It has a nutty flavor and a slightly chewy texture. It tastes kind of like quinoa but you have to cook quinoa and this you just sprinkle on. Easy!”

Now, for those of you who are wondering, I like the Navitas brand. The hemp seeds are certified organic, raw, vegan, kosher, gluten-free, fair trade, sustainably grown, and tasty. Some of you might only care about that last part. That’s cool.

But hemp seeds are one of the best sources of plant protein, as they have a high protein content and are a complete protein with all the essential amino acids. If you don’t know what that means, all you really have to know is that it’s the healthiest kind of protein.

In addition to protein, hemp is a great source of magnesium and zinc, and also a good source of potassium and iron. Additionally, hemp seeds have omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the ideal ratio. That might also be confusing, but what you really need to know here is that most of us are getting way too much omega-6, and the balance of the two is key.

I then grabbed a bag and handed it to her. She was excited to try it. I love spreading the superfood love!

And that brings me to my final point here on a Monday. This is a reminder to do what you love. There was a time when I dreaded a Monday as much as the next guy. But these days, Mondays are just another day to do what makes me happy.

Question of the day:
What makes YOU happy? Now, I know we all have answers to that so let’s hear from you below!!


Filed under Gluten-free, Organic, Product Review, Raw, Superfoods, Vegan

5 responses to “No Monday Blues Here

  1. Pingback: More Victories! | Health Coach Jillian

  2. Pingback: Strawberry “Cheesecake”, Rhubarb Compote, Oatmeal Hemp Seed Crisp « Spoon Feast

  3. Pingback: Happy Father’s Day! | Health Coach Jillian

  4. Pingback: Close Encounters for the Second Time | Health Coach Jillian

  5. Pingback: Microwave Goodbye | Health Coach Jillian

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